Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little League #3-Game 2 vs Eagles

Game #2 of the Salvatores season was played at a glorious night at Strehl Field #91.
The light was fantastic. The team played much better tonight, even without a practice.
I think they won, but I'm not sure.
Scores aren't important, playing the game and having fun is what it's all about.

Little League #2

Practice was cancelled tonite due to standing water ( a lot of it!) on the field.

Next game is Thursday.

Little League #1

I love Little League Baseball. Loved playing it. Enjoy watching it. To me, it's what baseball is meant to be and all about. Playing for the fun of it instead of how much you can hold out for on your contract. Playing for the same team instead of free agency and playing for the money. Little League goes back to a time when baseball was pure.

I especially watching the 8-10 year-olds play the game. They are good enough to make it interesting yet young enough to not have "attitude" to spoil the fun.

I'm going to follow one team, the Salvatores, this summer season. They're coached by Rob Miller, an extremely nice man and supportive coach. He doesn't yell, he gives positive reinforcement and most importantly, he has fun.

"Put me in coach, I'm ready to play!"